You can thank my wife for this. When I drew the strip with the Pink unicorn, she said that she wanted to see him become involved in the action somehow, and then spun out this wild idea as to how it could happen. She's a real gem, my Sara is.
Other Stuff:
Those of you who don't have Sirius are really missing out. The Stern show gets better everyday. Today they re-ran a phoney phone call that Richard Christie made using sound clips from Blue Iris, an 80 something year-old porn star. The victim was a southern woman and the results were too funny to describe. I laughed so hard my jaw hurt and my ribs were sore. IFor those of you unfamiliar with Howard, if you enjoy this strip, you will like Howard Stern.
In other news, Friend Knife and Onions finally got fed up with all the problems Blogger has been having lately and moved to a Word Press Blog. He is now here:
http:// www.knifeandonions.com
I'll be updating his link as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading!